Customize your web forms globally
Remove the limitations of Altru web forms.
Improve the online Altru experience by setting your Altru web forms free! Enable the Online Template to customize the “Sold Out” message, modify any of the on-page content, add elements to the page, such as images, videos, slideshows, and banners. You get complete control of the CSS and JavaScript that runs on your web forms, and you get to see a live preview of the changes before you commit to them.
Show and hide custom elements
Customize your web forms with banners, slideshows and custom elements.
With the Online Template, you can customize the online shopping experience as much as you want. You control what happens during the checkout process. You can show custom elements, hide default elements such as “Discount Code” have different themes, or enable a completely different experience for mobile devices.

Software Integrations
Easily integrate Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel or any other software solution.
Gain a complete view of all your E-commerce metrics by integrating Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, or Hotjar into your Altru forms. With the Online Template, you are free to incorporate any other third-party software into your Altru web forms.