API Integrations
Connect Altru to other apps you already use.
Make Altru the centerpiece of your enterprise by allowing Altru to speak to other applications you already use. With the API integration, you can integrate with other software solutions such as Zapier, IFTTT, MailChimp, Constant Contact, Drip, and any other application that supports webhooks.
Automate tasks with automation’s
Save hundreds of hours by automating common Altru tasks.
Having to rename a city, email, name, and address can cost you hundreds of hours when you have to do it in your entire database. Make things simpler with API automation’s and allow us to create an automation for some of the everyday tasks you already do in Altru, saving you hours of frustration and confusion having to do these manually.

Develop your own custom apps
Move forward and innovate with the API.
Let us take care of the security of having to connect with Altru so you can get back to focusing on creating your next application for mobile, web, IoT, or desktop. With your public and private keys, you can quickly send data back and forward from Altru to your custom application saving you time and money having to figure out all the pieces by yourself. You no longer have to ramp up with an old legacy system, use our modern well-documented API to innovate forward.